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威尼斯欢乐娱人v3676 AI|智“惠”讲堂(三十七讲)— Federated Learning in Healthcare


讲座地点:西教一 102室

讲座题目:Federated Learning in Healthcare

讲座嘉宾:付华柱  高级研究员



付华柱博士,新加坡科技研究局 (A*STAR) 高性能计算研究所 (IHPC) 高级研究员 (Senior Scientist)。主要研究方向为计算机视觉,医学图像分析,以及可信人工智能等。至今已在 Nature Communications, IEEE TPAMI, IEEE TIP, IEEE TMI 等期刊和会议上发表论文170 余篇,Google Scholar 引用 1.4 万余次。曾获 2021 年 ICME 最佳论文奖、2022 年 MICCAI OMIA Workshop 最佳论文、Stanford 大学 Top 2% Scientists Worldwide等。现担任 IEEE TMI,IEEE TNNLS 和 IEEE JBHI 等期刊编委,以及多个国际会议的区域主席。同时也是 IEEE Bio Imaging and Signal Processing Technical Committee (BISP TC) 技术委员。


Federated learning (FL) is an emerging distributed machine learning paradigm that leverages decentralized data from multiple clients to jointly train a shared global model under the coordination of a central server, without sharing the individuals' data. This makes FL surpass traditional parallel optimization to avoid systemic privacy risk. In this talk, I will introduce several works on FL in healthcare. Moreover, I also discuss some open challenges for federated learning.
